Sunday, June 29, 2008

FOBTY - Birthday Style

For the Sweet Shoppe Blog's "From Our Blog to Yours" (FOBTY), we are to blog about their favorite birthday year. That's a tough one. Each birthday year has been marked with different events to set it off from others. Sure, the obvious ones popped into my head first - my 16th birthday, I got my permit and then my license. My 18th birthday - finished high school and graduated, made the majorette squad at the college I went to, attended college. My 21st birthday year - got married, had my oldest, finished nursing school (in that order). My 24th birthday - had my youngest son, met my biological sisters, brother, and Mom. The list keeps growing.

I think I may have already experienced my favorite birthday year. I would venture to say the year I was 17 was my favorite. I was a typical teenager in the 80's. I had my license and was able to go out with my friends on the weekend - providing I had some babysitting money to spend. My weekday evenings were spent either at basketball practice, softball practice or majorette practice. I was captain with another girl of my softball team and majorette squad. Life was GOOD.

I have to say that turning 40 next February doesn't bother me in the least bit. It's just a number.

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