First up - a card I did trying something new. I'm pretty happy with it except for the writing I did on the front. I should have used a font. The kites on the card are all attached using pop dots and the kite string is actual string from a real kite! The kite tails are my attempt at doodling! LOL All in all, I think it turned out cute for my first one.
Front of card:

Inside of card:

Credits: Kites made using Penny Springmann's Summer Fun collection: solids and alpha
Cloud paper by Amy Cheeseman
Grass on front of card is from Penny’s Summer Fun Collection: Hopscotch
kite template by me
the “wood” on the kites was done using the pen tool and then an inner bevel
font: 2peas Barefoot Professor.[/center]
Next up is a 3D card I made for my niece's bridal shower. The tent flap folds back to reveal the sports store gift card that I bought her. She and her future husband enjoy anything outdoor-sy. The lantern, moon, sign and fire are on pop dots. The skillet was an element that was on the shower invite that I received from her.

Credits: Kristin Cronin-Barrow's Gone Camping kit
Grass from Penny Springmann and Misty Cato's Chilling and Grilling kit
envelope template by Bree
and last for today is a Slumber party mini tin invite I made for my daughter to pass out. I found these cute little 4" tins in the $1 spot at Target. I removed the handles, sprayed the tin white and then added my side panels. Each tin will include the party information, mini bottles of nail polish, a nail file, nail decals, small bottle of scented lotion, mini flash light and of course, Chocolate!!!

Credits: MandaBean and Robin Carlton's Stop! Jammer Time kit
And that's it for today! Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek at my latest hybrid projects! Stop back soon and see what else I've done!